FAQ – How to access the list of auctions and associated pigeons

You will find on this page the various procedures to enable you to better navigate this site.

How to access the list of auctions ?

2 solutions are possible to access the list of auctions :

  • If an advertisement was put in website home page www.francolomb.com

faq encheres acces pub accueil

Then simply click on the ad to arrive on retail sales and the list of associated pigeons.


  • If no advertising is announced on the homepage

You can always check that there are no auctions in progress.

For this, from the main menu of the site on the left, click on the “Arrow” at the end of the word “Sales”.

faq encheres acces menu accueil

A more detailed menu appears, then click on ” Auctions “.

faq encheres acces menu accueil ventes

The list of auctions will appear.

faq encheres liste des ventes

For each sale , you will find a brief description , the number of pigeons associated with the sale and the dates of beginning and end of the auction.

How to access the details of the auction and the list of associated pigeons ?

When you are on the list of auctions , click the ” See all pigeons for sale ” button to display the detail of it.

faq encheres acces ventes pigeons

The retail sales as well as the list of pigeons associated with it is displayed on your screen.

You can find the start and end of sale. The link ” Read more information “, you can view the full description of the sale including payment terms , delivery or recovery of pigeons after the auction ends.

faq encheres liste pigeons

Then you find for each pigeon, name, number, a short description and a photo, name and amount of the current best bid and the time remaining to bid.

Click on the name: Regimental pigeon or on the ” read more ” to view the detail of a pigeon.

faq encheres acces detail pigeon

Will appear the following page:

faq encheres detail pigeon

You find on this page all the information related to pigeons for sale :

  • The ring number
  • The Distance Category supposed
  • The name of the breeder
  • The name of the seller
  • The full description of the pigeon
  • The photo of the pigeon
  • The pigeon pedigree


On the left , you find all information related auction prices :

  • The time remaining to bid
  • The price of the highest bid
  • The highest bidder
  • A text box and a button ” bid ” to bid if you wish
  • The following minimum bids
  • The starting bid price The reserve price if the seller has set a reserve price

faq encheres detail pigeon infos enchere 2

Below each pigeon document, you will find a table with the ” auction history on it.

faq encheres detail pigeon infos encheres precedentes